So, to anyone who follows this and doesn't already know, I have moved to Woodinville, Washington, where I rent a room in a log cabin that sits on 5 lovely acres of land. The cabin's owner is my new business partner, Stephanie. We have formed a company called Into the Wild Dog Food, and we make raw, organic dog food.
I am currently waiting to hear about a medical buyout for my work injury, and hopefully that will help provide seed money for the company, plus allow me to live while the business takes off.
We will also be raising bees, which is something we want to do for the planet. We have big plans for the land, and we want to make this an organic haven for our dogs and for ourselves.
But I feel a little anxious. My feelers are out in many different directions and it's time to focus. Also, it's the second day of Lent, and this also is a time for focus and meditation. There is so much out of my hands right now, and I need to concentrate of the little slice of the pie that I can do something about.
All I can do is just extend my faith - in God, in myself, in my community and my family - and know that I will get the support and resources I need.
I will write more about the journey of the last year and a half later. Thanks to all five of my followers who have stayed with me up until now.
In the meantime, have a most excellent day!